Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson!
There is full frontal nudity in this post, omg, naked pixel people, noe wai!! Yes, so buyers beware.
There was hushed giggling and stumbling as Liberty and Loretta tripped over one another in the dark of Liberty's bedroom, one shushing the other. "It's your fault." Libby giggled softly.
"It is not." Loretta could be heard through the darkness, speaking just as softly.
"Is to, your all vampire-y, shouldn't you be able to see in the dark?"
"That's cats Libby." Loretta snickered.
"Nuh-huh, vampires too." Liberty argued as the sound of clothes ruffling could be heard softly.
"You are such a brat."
"You love me." Liberty said, her smirk evident in her voice. "Okay, ready." She said.
"You sure?" Loretta questioned.
"If I wasn't ready, I wouldn't have said I was." Liberty assured as she carefully slung her bag over her shoulder. "Let's go." And with that the two young women slipped out of the Talliway's house in Sunset Valley in the dead of night, jumping into Liberty's car and driving off.... Well, what did you think they were doing?
They drove for days, stopping at rest stops and little hole in the wall motels that looked like they could have been run by Norman Bates. Eventually they happened upon a small dreary town called Glendalough, a place where fog and mist hung heavy against the ground and the sky was always grey. That was where the car broke down, that was where there was no motels or rest stops. That, that was where they were meant to be. "Dude, this place sucks." Liberty said as they stood just inside the front door of their new house, their dark and bland house.
"It's kinda dank, but it's big." Loretta said, looking around.
"Not as big as that manor up the hill, did you see that place? I could have rode a bike through it."
"Well you were the one who refused to take anything besides your college fund, so we couldn't afford it even if it had been for sale." Loretta pointed out.
"Yeah yeah, I know, how horrible, I didn't wanna rob my rich and famous daddies blind." Liberty said flippantly as she walked farther into the house.
"I know! What kind of privileged daddies girl are you?" The other woman called after her with a chuckle, teasing. Liberty's laugh echoing back through the scarcely decorated rooms.
Liberty eventually found a mid sized drawing room which she claimed for her art, hanging pieces she had brought from home with her on the walls to spruce up the place before setting to making more pieces to hang in other areas of the house.
Upstairs, after a quick change of clothes, Loretta had found the largest bedroom and claimed it as the master, unpacking to the best of her ability before taking a moment to rest, sticking her nose in one of the books she was suppose to be putting on the newly put together bookcase.

Eventually Liberty was pulled away from her art when she realized how late it was and that she hadn't eaten yet, her stomach grumbling about that fact. There was nothing in the house to eat yet, but she did what she could, whipping together some Kraft dinner. She ate alone in the dimly lit kitchen, thinking. She had run away, left home and everything she knew behind. It was unfair to her parents, she knew that, but staying would have been unfair to herself. Tommy tried, he really did, but given his history with vampires, there was no way he would ever be okay with Loretta. Sure, he'd fake it the best he could, but it wasn't fair to expect her father to live with something he was so against. Not when he had such a decent reason to be against the idea of vampires in the first place, which was what had led Liberty to the idea of skipping town, of starting new. Somewhere no one knew Loretta and her, somewhere they could be free to be who they wanted to be. They could marry and raise a family and grow old together, or well, Libby could grow old, Loretta just watching. Speaking of marriage -

Okay, so it might not have been a big beautiful ceremony with a hundred people in attendance, but it was still perfect.
As was the things that followed that night.
That night they dreamt of their lives, starting anew and living the life they've always wanted.
Soon it was dawn and both women were up with the sun, which meant Loretta was trapped inside for the foreseeable future. She took to poking about the rest of the large house, taking in the very empty looking living room. They'd need a better tv if they ever hoped to get their game system hooked up, stupid old timey tv.
Liberty spent most of her time in their bedroom, the only place that was properly decorated, that is to say as bright as all hell. She painted most of the morning, not bothering to get dressed until she remembered something. While Loretta didn't need to eat, she did, which meant she'd have to get groceries sometime.
Oh well, no time like the present.
Liberty was proud that she only got lost once while she tried to find the shops.
Of course all of that was overshadowed with embarrassment when she had to run out of the bookstore to vomit on the sidewalk, what the hell had come over her!?
Her bout of illness caught the attention of a passerby, the woman stopping to ask if she was okay. Seemed the redhead was a local by the name of Lacey, born and raised in Glendalough, coming from the richest family in town, the one that owned the big manor up on the hill that Liberty had noticed when they first arrived the day before. They two talked for quite a while, finding they had a few things in common. It was Lacey who invited Liberty to join her graduating class in their festivities, since Liberty had mentioned never getting to attend her own graduation. An honorary graduate, it was the sweetest idea ever.
Liberty was surprised that she was even offered a gown, not a cap since she wasn't technically part of the class, but the gown was more than she had expected so she didn't complain. Besides, she had many hats of her own that she could easily wear in place of the cap, like kitty ears, see?
Hours later she was an official graduate, even getting an diploma. It was more than she could have hoped for, seemed like the dreary little town held more to it than just it's dank surroundings. It held some of the most beautiful and accepting people around, which was more than a person like Liberty could ever hope for. She had a feeling she and Loretta would be just fine.
Chapter Notes:
Short return chapter, I know, tiny even. But I'm out of practice and my pictures were sporadic at best, so I did what I could with what I had. Anyway, some points that need to be talked about. Their original generation goal of 'Change of Scenery' has been met with the move from Sunset Valley to Glendalough, the town I've moved them into I got off of GoS. It's gorgeous, oh my God, it's stunning to play in. It's dank and overcast, very spooky yet classic looking. It's an empty world, so ninety percent of the other characters you will see are characters I've created and moved into the town myself. There's a very small percentage of SP immigrants, and even they are taken from my binned Sims genetics, so they're no pudding, it's kind of amazing. Also, the Stylist career is still on the fritz, I've attempted to have Liberty work at it for a week in game and nothing happened. Which bums me out because I've never been able to play that profession, it kind of sucks. So I've made her a sculptor, I've yet to do that and I didn't wanna run the risk of rolling her for a job she couldn't do, like cop or firefighter or thief, ya know? Also, I re-rolled for the mis fun and got tattoo addict, not something I would have picked for either character, but I figured since Liberty is such an odd little sprite, why not give the tattoo thing a whirl. That's it for now, hopefully my next update will be much longer and more interesting, but I figured this was a good jump off point.