Monday, 12 September 2011

A 'non' Chapter.

Okay, so I'll admit, it's been a month, I don't remember the story I had planned out for the pictures I took before my legacy town died. But I do know, I didn't get them all taken which would have made using these pictures pointless anyway. But I don't wanna just jump from Liberty as a teen to her not being one anymore, so consider this a filler before the story can pick up again. Here are the pictures that would have been the start of generation six in Sunset Valley had it not glitched it's way to hell.

Breakfast the day of prom, good to see they all choose something healthy to eat.

Prom night, being talked into posing for a cheesy family picture before leaving.

See? Cheesy.

Liberty and Loretta's second prom picture of the game, and they're not only in different outfits, they're also in a different pose, I was happy.

Why Riker decided that the next morning he had to do homework in his sister's room while she was asleep is anybodies guess, but my guess is because he's an arse.

The birthday girl gets her favorite meal for breakfast, whee!

Before the cake was bought Loretta got her jailbait on, since she aged up the night before.

Whee! Cake!!

Adult Liberty, but wait, where's Loretta? Oh yeah, vampire and it's daylight out, duh.

So Liberty went to visit Loretta.

There was this whole long conversation scene that was going to take place, typical canon fodder. Attempted break up for fear of hurting her, oh it was all very Stephanie Myers I'm sure.

Eventually the loving happened.

Which led to the inevitable.

And there we end, my game glitched out soon after that scene and then life started kicking my ass. This is a 'non' chapter, just a bit of fill in so there's so confused jumping for when I do post my first official chapter. Which I'm working on, but I'm out of practice of taking pictures of everything, so my caps are still jumpy and it's bugging me. But my laptop has been over heating a lot, which makes pausing the game for a cap a bad thing because it causes lag with each pause/unpause that happens. I'll figure something out, until then, just keep an eye out.


  1. I'm so glad to see the legacy back up! Can't wait to see where it goes from here. : )

  2. Aaaah Liberty why are you so CUTE?

    I'm so glad you decided to at least give us this much of a bridge over. I can't wait for your legacy to start up again with Lib and Loretta. I love them both so much.

    (FYI: My Gen Eight was going to be dedicated to you style wise, but I figure since you're back you're the only one who needs to know. <3 I really missed you and your story.)

  3. I love Liberty, she's sooo cute!

  4. I'm sorry about your game glitching so badly, but I'm glad you'll be picking it back up.
    Liberty is adorable. :D
