Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Chapter Fifty-Five → If you don't reach for the moon you can't fall on the stars

After a whirlwind engagement, the boys took off to France for a early honeymoon. Well, that's what Tyrone told Tommy, truth was, he needed the man out of the house before the renovation guys chopped him up and buried him in the foundation. Tommy did an amazing hummingbird routine, he hovered while everyone else wished there was a cat around to pounce his ass. In lieu of a cat, Tyrone would do. Hey look, that's french! Um, guys, wanna get a room?

Better.... although, Tommy looks either scared or constipated.

Good bed post, nice bed post, keep us hidden from the naughty bits.

After a a day into their vacation, the two decided to skip a big home wedding and eloped.... in the art museum... next to a bed? Don't worry, that old looking dude is a priest, at least, he says so. Although he's looking at them like they're new choir boys that he's about to show to the rectory.

Every wedding night involves secret doors right... or was that just mine? Wait, i'm not married... what the hell happened in Vegas then!?

That's not the first bone he's touched this morning.

Ah yeah! Indiana Jones, eat your heart out.

I'm in your tomb, stealing your shit. Where's ceiling cat when you need him?

Ohhhh, sparkly!

When they returned home, Tommy nearly shit himself. "What the hell did you do to my house!?" There was an entire third level, he didn't remember agreeing to that.

"Our house." Tyrone corrected.

"What the hell did you do to our house!?"

"Good boy."

Okay, so Tommy had to admit, he liked the new changes, the blue was getting tired.

Oh look, a proper study! Too bad neither of them were exactly intellectuals.

Hmm, puuuurdy, and yet, manly... sorta, meh, whatever.

First order of business, shagging in every possible place on the lot... what kind of sex are you having that you have to wave goodbye to people from the past Tyrone?... Oh second thought, i don't wanna know. They also tried out every shower in the house, which is the first time i've seen Sims sex look nearly pornographic. Observe, see, told ya.

After all that screwing, Tommy headed to the shop because he Tyrone realized they no longer had bubble bath, which was not allowed. While there, the blonde saw people trying to figure out how to all fit into that teeny car with their shopping for the ride home. They never did figure it out, at least Tommy didn't think so. Unless the car was a Tardis and therefore bigger on the inside, but the more likely scenario was that the old guy sold the kids to the shopkeeper in a twisted Sweeney Todd like plot.

Tyrone is so damn fabulous that he pukes pink.

You sure you wanna try coffee out on that stomach? Okay, but don't say i didn't warn ya.

Cooking, cooking, cooking, lalala!

"Nooo, not my abs!" Oops, that's what you get for shagging so much. When i'm your god, you should never tempt me. Hey look, there's a plot line, let's follow it shall we?...

While Tyrone stood in the living room, with the new found news of being pregnant weighing on his head, there was a very sudden and random flash of  red-ish orange light that was visible through one of the front windows. "Ugh, what now? Aliens?" Nope, that was Sims 2 my friend.

Why hello, you're not a gnome.

Of all the things the man expected to find in his front yard, an odd little creature was no where on the list. He bent down to look at her, with her cherry pink skin, shocking blue hair and unusual blacked out eyes. Sure, he knew about vampires, reincarnated ghost dolls and fairies, but he had a feeling she was none of the the above. So he did the only thing he could, he picked her up when she reached out her tiny hands. "Come on honey, let's get inside from this season-less night." Again, Sims 2, stop comparing Tyrone or i'll give you a beer gut.

Up on the third floor, Tommy was just coming out of the bathroom when he was met by his husband and their visitor. "Um, what's that?" He asked, pointing at the child, who made a little indignant noise at being called a 'that'. Big words, coming from someone who's green.

"I found her in the front yard."

"You found her?"

"There were lights, two of 'em, and when i went outside to see what caused them, figuring it was those Chan boys and their damn fireworks again. I found her sitting next to the gnome statues, when are you gonna get rid of those?" Um, segue much?

"I'm not, and you just figured bringing her inside was okay? In your condition? What if she had been dangerous?"

"Babe, i'm pregnant, not terminal." Tyrone pointed out. "Besides, look at her, how dangerous could she be?"

"You don't know, she could be an alien or something."

"You think!?" Tyrone sounded too excited that she might be an alien.

"I don't know, but anything is possible. There's only one thing to do."

"Road trip to Roswell, discover the true location to Area 51, uncover a huge government scandal and return her to her people?"

"O..kay? There's two things we could do, that, or as i was going to say, look through my mother's magic books."

"Your idea is less fun." Tyrone said with a slight pout, Tommy just chuckling. So it was decided, as Tommy went to the cellar to gather up some of Audra's books, Tyrone set the little one into the crib they had bought for the upcoming child before meeting his husband in their bedroom to help with the books. And by help, of course i mean, he laid around while Tommy read.

"See, told you your idea was less fun than mine." Tyrone pointed out after about an hour of reading, idly kicking his feet back and forth as Tommy scanned through about his fourth book. "I still think -"

"Look! There she is!" Tommy said, pointing to a picture of pink skined, blue haired, black eyed woman. Obviously an adult version of whatever the toddler was, but they were definitely the same species. 

"What's it say?"

"It says she's a sprite..."

"Like the soda?"

"Yes, she's a bottle of pop." Tommy said sarcastically before flipping the page and reading on. "It says, they're electrical beings that sometimes fall from the atmosphere to Earth, kinda like a falling star or a meteor."

"Why are they called Sprites?"

"It's because they typically live in sprite lightning."

"Never heard of it." Tyrone shook his head.

"Most haven't." Tommy continued to read. "The ancients called them Libertas Spiritus."

"That's nice... what's it mean?"

"It's Latin, it's means the spirit of freedom." Tommy said as he pushed himself up and off of his stomach, sitting back, giving the book a little nudge with his foot that signaled that he was in fact done reading for the night.

"You can read Latin?" Tyrone asked, rolling over to look at the other man.

"Yes." Tommy said with a serious nod. "Also, there was an English translation at the bottom of the page." He smirked, Tyrone giving his knee a nudge for being a jerk and leading him on. "So what do you wanna do with her?"

"Well, the book didn't say she was dangerous or anything."

"Nope, she's just an odd little sprite who's a long way away from home." Tommy said with a nod, already seeing where his husband's mind was going.

"So, we could... keep her?"

"Like a dog?"

Tyrone chuckled, rolling his eyes. "I was thinking more along the lines of adoption."

"You can adopt dogs." Tommy pointed out before being playfully slapped again. "Okay, well she'll need a name won't she?" Tyrone just nodded in agreement, the two lapsing into silence for a moment, their eyes drifting to the book before looking at one another with a little nod. "Liberty." They said in tandem.

That night, the men dreamt of babies.

And Liberty dreamt of colors, happiness and the insanity of her new human family.

Chapter Notes:

Yeah, i know the first half of the post was a really sarcastic romp through the fields of my lame narrative, but it's like 6am so be glad i got anything written at all lol. Liberty is actually an import sim from Lotus's Journal that she had from a pollination experiment, her original name was Rue Cygnus and i fell in love with her. I've been waiting around for a good generation to bring her in, either as an adoption or a love interest, and here she be. Btw, Sprite Lightning is in fact a real thing, it's a rare light show that happens way way above thunderstorm clouds and can very rarely be seen properly from the ground. They look like giant red and blue stringy squid things with a halo on, no, seriously. I've been obsessed with the possibilities those lights could bring to anyone with a decent imagination for years, even going so far as nearly making my own Sprite for an RPG, but dropping the idea before it ever got past the planing stages. 

Anyway, back to the post at hand. Anyone who reads the forms knows, the boy's trip to France was lost when my game crashed, but i kept it in the story as a reason for why i could remodel the house. Since technically Liberty is the second child, she was found after Tyrone was already pregnant after all, she will be heir. And lets be honest, even if she hadn't been the second child, i was still gonna make her heir, roll be damned lol. The roll for her gen, generation six, is... *finds my notebook* Couple, three kids, primary career Stylist (ugh) and secondary is sports star, so safe to say, she shall be a straight character. I know, sexest against my own gender, but i HATE muscular female sims, and the sports profession seems to make all the sims uber ripped, even if they only ever do cardio. Gen goal is Perfect Careers, and the fun was The Joker, which i used because originally my gen goal was change of scenery and there is no way in hell i am moving those sims. The last time i had to move my household, i was plagued by glitches for days.

Also, i realized i never gave a full list of the boy's traits, i'm so bad at that, so here we go; Tommy - Heavy Sleeper, Natural Cook, Hates the Outdoors, Virtuoso and Green Thumb. I was gonna save up to change his hates the outdoor trait since he has to garden for the homemade roll but then i thought a gardener who hates being outside was funny so i left it. Tyrone - Good sense of humor, Familiy Oriented, Daredevil, Ambitious and Star Quality. Since i got to pick his last trait, i gave his Star Quality and saved up to change his LTW from Super Spy to Actor. Liberty's traits are Excitable and Easily Impressed, which weren't Rue's traits i don't think, cause i hit randomize for hers. I also used MC and gave her the three hidden traits that run in the family so far, which are, Can Apprehend Burglar (gen 1), Makes No Messes (gen 3) and Can Salute (Gen 4).


  1. Omg I was dying of laughter throughout this chapter! I could just imagine myself writing like that hyped up on caffeine too :) Liberty is super cute! I am excited to see what she looks like when she's older.

  2. Haha, I love your sleep deprived humor (though not at the expense of you having insomnia). The caption for the excavating picture busted me up (I actually thought "Oh, no she din't").

    I'll be sad to see the Talliway's bloodline die out, but Liberty looks like a great and unique character to bring to the story!

  3. I'm sad to see the original bloodline take it's leave as well, but i was getting tired of the green. Who knew the green toned skin would be the prominent gene, besides, Tyrone and Tommy's biological kid, not so cute. Shocking, i know, especially considering what hotties they are.

  4. I love your little toddler sprite - so cute
