Saturday, 30 July 2011

!Character Dump!

Okay, so i don't have clones of all my characters. Only my favorites or ones that people have asked for, so if there's one you want and want to make sure i clone 'em, make sure you mention it too me. Also, just as a personal choice, i don't upload sims that i'm currently using in a generation. Once a new generation starts though, any sims from the previous ones are up for grab. Today, i have 6 sims up for grabs, hope you like and enjoy. Remember, the imagination is endless, don't feel the need to have my characters do exactly as i had them do. Once you download them, they are yours and the possibilities are infinite. Each character as been put in base game hair, make up and clothes.

Kinsley looks very different without her custom hair and make up, but she still just as fiery. Download

Nicholas is a Fairy with wings and shiny cobalt blue skin. Without the custom wings and skin, he will look like this.

To find his skin and wings, follow the links: skin & wings (fyi, you need a sign in to download the wings)


Audra has shiny viridian green skin, without the metallic skin, which can be found in a link in Nicholas's info, she will look like this.


Aurora has a normal skin tone, but does have pointed ears. I'm not sure if without the ear sliders that her ears will stay pointed or not, so just in case, you can download the ear sliders here


Noah is fabulous, just ask him. Even in drab base game hair and clothes (not pictured).


Terri Lynn, my self sim, i'm posting her for completely narcissistic reasons. No, my name is not actually Terri, it's Stacey if you must know :) Howdy *waves* She looks less fab in drab base game clothes, but she will still stalk all your pictures, god knows she did mine.


Enjoy and let me know who you picked up and for what :) More will be posted as generations continue to go on.


  1. Any chance of getting Tyrone and/or Tommy? : D

  2. Sure no problem, but as I said at the top of the post I don't like posting sims I'm currently playing, so once Tommy & Tyrone's Gen is over I can post them for you ^^ But I shall clone them now so I don't forget.
