Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Chapter Twenty-Seven → This is just a part I portray

The next morning, Tamara caught hold of her brother in the basement before the boy could go upstairs. "Look, today's your birthday and you become, i dunno, a man or whatever. You realize that Peanut is like in love with you right? And you need to be normal for like five minutes to be able to figure out what you're gonna do about that." Tamara looked at her brother expectantly, waiting for his savant like mind to kick in only to be stared at dumbly. "Marry her!" The teen snapped. "If you don't, you'll never find anyone else, okay?"

"Totally!" Michael exclaimed. "I got it!" He so didn't. "You know, you have fifty-six freckles on your nose." Random much?

"I don't have freckles." Tamara pointed out.

"You mean those dots are on my eyes!? God!!" As he lapsed into one of his insanity induced fits, Tamara just rolled her eyes and walked away with a huff. Boys, they were all insane, even the not insane ones.... uh, yeah.

After the girl got dressed she headed into the living room where she found Jarvis watching tv. "How ya doing?" She asked as she flopped down next to him.

"Okay, i guess. I mean, better but, kinda nauseous."

"Nerves? Or did Noah get ya pregnant?" Tamara teased.

"I think i'd notice if he did." Jarvis deadpanned.

"I dunno, you said your a heavy sleeper and he's light on his feet, ballet, remember?" She smirked, sliding closer to him so he could put his arm around her in a sideways hug of sorts.

"You're insane." He said fondly.

"No, that's Michael. I'm adorable, and you're a Red Shirt apparently."

"It's what i'm good at." Ah teen love and Star Trek jokes, could the weekend get any better?

Well cake would help, cake always made everything better. Which was why they were lucky there were birthday celebrations to be had, first up was Michael.

Who turned out pretty hot, insane or not.

Then was Peanut, who mimicked Michael's birthday stance to show him just how stupid it really was, but by then he wasn't paying attention, he was too busy trying to catch imaginary flies.

"Are you sure you wanna saddle yourself with him? I mean, the dude's a mental patient, literally. He'll probably wear bunny slippers to the wedding, he's completely bonkers." Tamara said to Peanut, ever the caring sister she was.

"Yeah." Peanut said with a sigh, that made it clear she was completely gone. He might have been a nutcase, but he was her nutcase.

When they started flirting in the kitchen, both Zane and Tamara took that as the cue to get the hell outta there as quickly as possible. Tamara going to watch her mother play the piano while Zane suddenly knew there was a clogged up toilet somewhere in the house that needed unclogging, if there wasn't, well he'd clog it himself dammit!

Michael was coherent enough for exactly ten minutes of flirting before he was torn away by something else that his scattered mind deemed more important than the one woman on the planet that would actually put up with his scattered mind.

Mid evening Kung Fu!? Really? Sheesh.

Eventually Michael did get his wits about him and headed back inside to pop the question, the proper question and not 'shhh! Do you smell that?' Cause really, that question was getting old. Peanut, to no one's surprise, agreed, enthusiastically.

Zane, who had run too the store to pick up a few things, was hit with a sudden jolt of geriatric senility that he just had to celebrate. It couldn't wait for him to cross the street and enter his home, oh no.

Not when he finally got his Santa beard!!

Oh yeah, he still had it.

Chapter Notes:

I was gonna kill Michael and Peanut! I swear to god, i've never been so happy to get rid of two sims in all my life. From the second they aged up they were nothing but trouble, twenty four in game horrible hours of trouble. Their wedding pictures won't be posted until the next chapter, but allow me to just say, wedding from hell!!! I've had some bad weddings, but this one takes the cake. Or it would have, had the goddamned cake been able to be sat on a table, any table at the venue, but nooooo. I thought i would have an aneurysm i was so frustrated with the damn thing, by the end i just kicked them outta house, not caring that now Zane has the inventories of two other people's entire lives in his own. See, that annoyed. 

Also, i posted about it on the MTS board, but none of my YA's seem to graduate anymore, last person to have a graduation was Zane. Suzanna didn't get one, Michael and Peanut didn't get one. It's kind of annoying, cause i liked the graduation, seeing what the Sims were voted most likely to do, i miss the graduations :(


  1. Hunh. Weird about the graduations. Can I just say that Michael and Peanut are HOT? Like... they're gorgeous! I'm happy Peanut got her ring though.

  2. They really did, i've been super lucky with the breeding stock in the game. Listen to me, breeding stock, i make them sound like cattle lol. So far the only one that's made a poor choice lover wise is one of Zane's niece's, she married one of the famed pig faced men in my town. I should have drown all those pig faced sims at the start of the game lol.

  3. That's terrible about the graduations. =( I hope someone comes up with a patch or something to fix all these errors. Kind of the same in my game, only with field trips. I'll probably never see one of those...

    Yes, Michael and Peanut will make beautiful and clinically insane babies!

  4. If you use the NRaas Master Controller, you can use that to fix the field trip glitch. When all your sims are at home, i usually do it when they're in bed so i know they're not out on the town. Go to settings and make sure 'include active lot in reset' is set to false unless you want to reset your lot, then go to Town option and click 'reset everything'. It'll reset every lot, including the school, which will fix the field trip issue.

  5. I'll never get a field trip either, at least you're not alone. I have't seen if graduation works yet, I really hope it does!

  6. Graduations are sporadic for me, some get them, some don't.
    For Sheridan, he didn't get a graduation, but his teen sister got the day of school the day he should have graduated.
    You can also just reset the school lot to fix the field trip glitch.

  7. Huh, odd, cause i've gotten a graduation for every YA sim since i started playing with Generations, well, YA sims that grow up in game, but that was kind of a duh lol. I guess it's just part of my horrible luck where options randomly stop happening in game for a while, i'm still waiting for the 'woohoo' option to come back, for now i only have 'try for a baby' and 'risky', it's kind of annoying actually.

    Also, how do you only reset the school? I couldn't figure that out, which is why i reset the town, which fixed the glitch but still.

  8. Yeah, I never know if I'm going to get a graduation or not. Sheridan didn't get one, but his little sister just did after she turned YA.

    Resetting just the school is from Twallan's Debug Enabler, not MC.
    Under Options:School>Object...>reset

  9. Ah, okay, i don't have the debug enabler cause i never thought i would use it.
