Ghost hunting wasn't as fun as Audra had expected it too be, but to be honest, she sort of understood why the spirits fought against her so much. How would you like to be caught and kept in a jar like a goldfish, hell, she doubted the goldfish liked it very much so a being that use to be human, it would be a million times worse. But still she continued on, looking for the one spirit she needed so she could use to read her grandmother's Grimoire.
Work was long and she always got home at the most god awful hours in the morning, falling into bed just before her mother and children got up. Usually Jarvis was still up, under the guise of painting, but she knew that he wouldn't go to bed until she was home, a panicky father he was. But it didn't matter how tired she was, she always found enough energy to make a hot breakfast to be left for the children when they got up.
Knowing the twins would go to school with full tummies and the knowledge that mommy loved them was enough of a reason for her to go to bed with a smile on her face.
"Trista says mommy doesn't love us." Okay, so maybe they weren't exactly sure about the 'loving them' thing, which was understandable given how withdrawn Audra was.
"That's garbage." Tamara said as she ate breakfast with the children. "Your mother loves you dearly, she's just ..."
"Shy?" Trista offered.
"A little bit." Tamara said with a nod, that was one way to explain it. All she knew is that she would have to have a conversation with her daughter about how she dealt with her children, if they were that confused.
That night when Audra returned home from work, she had a bit of a bounce in her step. "In a good mood?" Jarvis asked, looking at his latest 'masterpiece', unhappy with the bland landscape.
"I did it." Audra said with a smile.
"I found the ghost i needed, i found it and it's just, ah, amazing! I'm so close dad, so close to being able to make the children normal." She rambled. "I quit my job, i don't need to hunt anymore."
"That's very good, but what are you going to do for money?" Jarvis asked his daughter.
"Money? We're not exactly in the poor house."
"Your mother and I agreed to let you and the children continue to live with us as long as you supported yourself, you know we love you and the children Audra, but we will not allow you to just hide away and do nothing." Jarvis reminded her.
Audra sighed. "I'll... i dunno, busk on the street or something."
"You're going to be a street performer?" Jarvis asked with arched brows.
"Like Esmeralda." Audra smiled.
"You're hardly a Gypsy dancer." Jarvis scoffed playfully before waving her off, nearly sending her to bed like she was a child.
The next morning Audra spent hours in the cellar, studying her books.....
And gathering supplies until she finally had what she needed to be able to decode the ancient text, with the help of her ancient ghost of course.
What she wasn't expecting was for it to be so over powering.
But she forced on, before she came to the conclusion that she had feared all along, looked like she really was going to have to talk to Andrew after all.
Meanwhile, Tamara was dealing with her own problems. Grandkids, insane ones. "Are we aliens?" Trista asked, taking Tamara by surprise.
"She thinks we're mutant zombie aliens." Tommy clarified.
"Uh Huh." Tamara hummed before shouting for Audra.
After a quick mother daughter conversation in the hallway, Audra went into the children's room and sat down with Trista. She gave a little sigh, leaning on the end of the bed. "You're not an alien, or a mutant or anything else you've seen on the telly." She said to her daughter.
"Well then?" Trista prompted. "What are we? Cause we're not normal fay like pops we don't look exactly like you either."
"No one looked exactly like anyone." Audra pointed out.
"That's not what i mean mommy." Trista said with a roll of her eyes, jeez, grown ups could be so stupid sometimes.
Audra sighed, shaking her head. "Tommy, i know you're listening by the door, you might as well come in." She called to the boy as she stood, pacing for a minute, what could she tell them? The truth? A half truth, they had a right to know something.
"You're vampires...."
Chapter Notes:
Oh i know, i'm such a bitch with cliffhanger endings, but i love them. To be honest, cliffhangers are sort of my forte, even if i do say so myself. More will be posted soon, but as i mentioned in my last blog, HOT! It is hot here, Toronto is having a heatwave that's not been seen in decades and i don't have an air conditioner. Hell, i don't even have the cash for a cold juice or soda right now, who can afford an air conditioner lol. Ghetto living, i is living you! Also, you might notice that Audra's hair changes a lot, that's because she can pull off pretty much any hair style, i've never had such a versatile sim, i might bin her and save her for other game sessions. Although she can look deranged when she has her neurotic freak outs, see exhibit A;
Oh, and Audra got to level 5 of the busker career in like two days, so instead of keeping her in it for the full week, i had her quit at level five and move to her next job, which is writing. She's at level 2 currently, it might actually take her the full week to get to level five on that one, and i know technically i don't have to get to level five with the non-standard careers. But since i have the Career mod from Twallan, the non-standard careers now have levels so i figured why not. Everything but waiter i'm going to try to reach level five on, but since waiter is part time it only has 3 levels. Looks like she'll be stuck there for a full week, oh well.
I love Audra's hair style changes. She looks nice in them. And her kids just crack me up. Poor Tamara and Jarvis having to deal with child-age insecurities.